Environmental Groups in Washington
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Earth Focus Group 970-424-3404
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350 Seattle
City : Seattle
Phone : 206-929-5950
Mission : Works toward climate justice by organizing people to make deep system change: resisting fossil fuels; building momentum for healthy alternatives; and fostering resilient, just, and welcoming communities.
Admiralty Audubon Society
City : Port Townsend
Phone : 360-385-0307
Mission : To initiate, promote, assist, and encourage the understanding and appreciation of nature and the conservation of wildlife and wilderness, natural resources, and natural beauty.
Audubon Washington
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-652-2444
Mission : To protect birds and the places they need by using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Nature centers, chapters, and partners give Audubon Washington an unparalleled wingspan that reaches over 47,000 people each year to inform, i
Bainbridge Island Land Trust
City : Bainbridge Island
Phone : (206) 842-1216
Mission : To conserve and steward the diverse natural environments of Bainbridge Island for the benefit of all.
Black Hills Audubon Society
City : Olympia
Phone : 360-352-7299
Mission : To promote environmental education and recreation and to maintain and protect our ecosystems for future generations.
Blue Mountain Audubon Society
City : Walla Walla
Phone : 509-525-9222
Mission : To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, wildlife, and their habitat for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.
Blue Mountain Land Trust
City : Walla Walla
Phone : (509) 525-3136
Mission : Collaborates with communities and landowners to protect our amazing Blue Mountains!
Capitol Land Trust
City : Lacey
Phone : (360) 943-3012
Mission : To stratigically conserve vital natural areas and working lands in the South Puget Sound and Chehalis Watersheds, for their ecolological and community benefits.
Central Basin Audubon Society
City : Moses Lake
Phone : 509-765-6374
Mission : To encourage public appreciation of the values of wildlife and natural habitats through education, conservation and recreation, and to stimulate action for their protection.
Chehalis River Basin Land Trust
City : Centralia
Phone : (360) 807-0764
Mission : To conserve, protect, and restore ecologically significant lands within the Chehalis River Basin.
Chelan-Douglas Land Trust
City : Wenatchee
Phone : (509) 667-9708
Mission : Engage communities in conserving, caring for, and accessing the natural lands and waters that sustain North Central Washington.
Citizens for a Healthy Bay
City : Tacoma
Phone : 253-383-2429
Mission : We recognize that we all want a cleaner, healthier environment because we all share this watershed and experience its environmental burdens and benefits. Citizens for a Healthy Bay can only meaningfully achieve our mission through genuine partnerships wit
Clean Lake Union
City : Seattle
Phone :
Mission : Focused on catch basin and outfalls surrounding Lake Union and Lake Washington including the canals that connect the waterways and the bridges that span over them.
Climate Action Families
City : Seattle
Phone :
Mission : provides a way for the entire family to work together, in community, to explore and become proficient in climate justice work.
Climate Justice Initiative
City : Seattle
Phone :
Mission : Addresses the multifaceted issue of climate change and climate justice in Indigenous peoples, groups and communities.
Columbia Land Trust
City : Vancouver
Phone : 360-696-0131
Mission : Conserves and cares for the Northwest places you love—the places that provide all of us well-being and an unrivaled quality of life.
Conservation Northwest
City : Statewide
Phone : 206.675.9747
Mission : Protecting, Connecting and Restoring Wildlands and Wildlife.
Cowiche Canyon Conservancy
City : Yakima
Phone : (509) 248-5065
Mission : To protect shrub-steppe and connect people to this vanishing landscape.
Earth Ministry
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-632-2426
Mission : Engages the faith community in environmental stewardship. Through our Washington Interfaith Power & Light project, we organize a multi-faith response to climate change.
Eastside Audubon Society
City : Kirkland
Phone : 425-576-8805
Mission : To protect, preserve and enhance natural ecosystems and our communities for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.
Environment Washington
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-408-6050
Mission : Dedicated to protecting our air, water, and open spaces. We investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and decision-makers, and help the public make their voices heard in local, state, and national debates over the quality of our environmen
Environment Washington
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-568-2850
Mission : Dedicated to protecting our air, water, and open spaces. We investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and decision-makers, and help the public make their voices heard in local, state, and national debates over the quality of our environment and our lives.
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-292-5907
Mission : To protect, enhance, and steward our region’s most precious resources—its communities and its ecosystems. We love this place. We want to keep it special. To do this, we conserve land, develop innovative policies, and support sustainable rural and urban de
Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery
City : Issaquah
Phone : 425.392.1118
Mission : Dedicated to preserving the historic Issaquah Salmon Hatchery and watershed stewardship through education.
Friends of the San Juans
City : Friday Harbor
Phone : (360) 378-2319
Mission : Protects and restores the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea for people and nature. We restore habitat, protect water, forest, farmland and endangered species, while building thriving communities in the San Juan Islands.
City : Statewide
Phone : (206) 343-0681
Mission : Works across Washington State to create livable communities, ensure clean healthy waterways, and protect farms, forests & habitat for this & future generations.
Grays Harbor Audubon Society
City : Montesano
Phone : 360-289-5048
Mission : To seek a sustainable balance between human activity and the needs of the environment, and to promote enjoyment of birds and the natural world.
Great Peninsula Conservancy
City : Bremerton
Phone : (360) 373-3500
Mission : To conserve vibrant forests, streams, shorelines and community greenspaces to help wildlife and people thrive. We commit to caring for the lands we protect to ensure wildlife and people enjoy the many benefits of nature well into the future.
Hood Canal Environmental Council
City : Seabeck
Phone :
Mission : To maintain a high quality environment for the Hood canal area
Inland Northwest Land Trust
City : Spokane
Phone : (509) 328-2939
Mission : Conserve, care for, and connect with lands and waters essential to life in the Inland Northwest.
City : Bainbridge Island
Phone : 206-855-4300
Mission : Helping children and teachers see the power they have to solve environmental issues, make a positive impact on the planet, and create a more sustainable future for all
Jefferson Land Trust
City : Townsend
Phone : 360-379-9501
Mission : Working with the community to preserve open space, working lands and habitat forever.
Kettle Range Conservation Group
City : Republic
Phone : (509) 775-2667
Mission : To defend wilderness, protect biodiversity, and restore ecosystems of the Columbia River Basin.
Kitsap Audubon Society
City : Poulsbo
Phone : 360-394-5635
Mission : To preserve the natural world through education, enivronmental study, and habitat protection; and to promote awareness and enjoyment of local and regional natural areas.
Kittitas Audubon Society
City : Ellensburg
Phone :
Mission : To develop an appreciation of nature through education and conservation with a focus on birds.
Kittitas Conservation Trust
City : Roslyn
Phone : (509) 649-2951
Mission : To protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat, open space, and recreational assets in the upper Yakima River basin
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society
City : Richland
Phone : 509-627-1113
Mission : To conserve and restore ecosystems, focusing on birds and wildlife, for the benefit of humanity and Earth's biological diversity. Audubon educates adults and children about the environment, advocates responsible public policy and legislation for natural r
Lummi Island Heritage Trust
City : Lummi Island
Phone : 360-758-7997
Mission : To create a legacy of abundant open space, native habitat, and natural resources on Lummi Island by inspiring people to protect and care for the island's farms, forests, wetlands and shorelines forever
Methow Conservancy
City : Winthrop
Phone : 509-996-2870
Mission : To inspire people to care for the land of the Methow Valley.
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
City : Bainbridge Island
Phone : 206.382.5565
Mission : Leads and inspires action to conserve and enhance the landscape of the Mountains to Sound Greenway, ensuring a long-term balance between people and nature.
Nisqually Land Trust
City : Lacey
Phone : 360-489-3400
Mission : To acquire and manage critical lands to permanently benefit the water, wildlife, and people of the Nisqually River Watershed.
North Cascades Audubon Society
City : Bellingham
Phone : 360-319-9004
Mission : To promote the study and conservation of birds and other wildlife, their habitat, and the environment; to increase public appreciation of the values of wildlife, plants, and the natural environment; and to stimulate action to protect and preserve them for
North Cascades Conservation Council
City : Seattle
Phone :
Mission : To stop damaging timber sales, while supporting responsible forest management and protecting forestlands from conversion to non-forest uses.
North Central Washington Audubon Society
City : Wenatchee
Phone :
Mission : To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and their habitats, for the benefit of people and the biological diversity of North Central Washington.
North Olympic Land Trust
City : Port Angeles
Phone : (360) 417-1815
Mission : To conserve lands that sustain the communities of Clallam County.
North Sound Baykeeper
City : Bellingham
Phone : 360-733-8307
Mission : Charged with protecting and restoring marine and nearshore habitats of North Puget Sound.
NW Energy Coalition
City : Bainbridge Island
Phone : 206.621.0094
Mission : Leads the Northwest’s broadest alliance of energy interests in designing, promoting, and implementing clean, affordable, and equitable energy policy grounded in analytical expertise.
Okanogan Highlands Alliance
City : Tonasket
Phone :
Mission : To encourage and support education and public participation in decisions involving the integrity, sustainability, and prosperity of our community and the environment. OHA fosters conservation of natural resources and takes action to prevent environmental
Okanogan Land Trust
City : Okanogan
Phone : 509-557-6306
Mission : Connecting Land and Community
Olympia Coalition for Ecosystems Preservation
City : Olympia
Phone :
Mission : To protect, preserve, and restore the diverse ecosystems of Olympia, Washington that include the freshwater, shoreline, tidal waters, and upland forests that are home to the Pacific Great Blue Heron, cutthroat trout, salmon, and companion species.
Olympia Community Solar
City : Olympia
Phone : 360-481-4020
Mission : Harnessing the sun for all.
Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society
City : Sequim
Phone : 206-641-1842
Mission : Promotes birding and habitat conservation through science-based education, advocacy, and stewardship.
Pilchuck Audubon Society
City : Snohomish
Phone : 425-610-8027
Mission : To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife, for the benefit of the earth’s biological diversity.
Puget Soundkeeper
City : Seattle
Phone : 206-297-7002
Mission : To protect and preserve the waters of Puget Sound.
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
City : Seattle
Phone : (206) 297-7002
Mission : To protect and enhance the waters of Puget Sound for the health and restoration of our aquatic ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.
Rainier Audubon Society
City : Auburn
Phone : 206-498-0150
Mission : To conserve and restore natural ecosystems and protect birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and biological diversity in south King County and the world we live in.
San Juan Preservation Trust
City : Friday Harbor
Phone : 360-378-2461
Mission : Conserve the natural beauty, vital ecosystems, and unique character of the San Juan Islands for future generations
Save Our Wild Salmon
City : Seattle
Phone : 206-300-1003
Mission : a coalition of northwest and national conservation organizations, recreational and commercial fishing associations, clean energy and orca advocates, businesses and citizens committed to protecting and restoring abundant, self-sustaining fishable populations of salmon and steelhead to the Columbia-Snake River Basin for the benefit of people and ecosystems.
Seattle Audubon Society
City : Seattle
Phone : 206-523-4483
Mission : Leads a local community in appreciating, understanding, and protecting birds and their natural habitats.
Skagit Audubon Society
City : Mt. Vernon
Phone : 360-333-8985
Mission : To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth’s biological diversity.
Skagit Land Trust
City : Mount Vernon
Phone : 360-428-7878
Mission : Conserves wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.
Spokane Audubon Society
City : Spokane
Phone : 509-838-5828
Mission : Advocates for birds and their habitats in the Inland Northwest and connects people with nature.
Spokane Riverkeeper
City : Spokane
Phone : 509-835-5211
Mission : Dedicated to protecting and restoring the health of the Spokane River watershed. By collaborating, educating, and, when necessary, litigating, we work to preserve the Spokane River’s health now and for the future.
Tahoma Audubon Society
City : University Place
Phone : 253-565-9278
Mission : Our vision is a healthy planet, with clean air, water, and food for all. We help each other develop our skills to make us better advocates, family members, and community members so we can achieve our vision, live the lives we desire, and ensure the skills
The Center for Environmental Law & Policy
City : Statewide
Phone : (206) 829-8299
Mission : To protect, preserve and restore Washington’s waters through education, policy reform, agency advocacy, and public interest litigation.
The Nature Conservancy in Washington
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-343-4344
Mission : Our vision is of thriving nature and thriving communities—a shared future that enables us to prosper while we care for the lands and waters that sustain us.
Tilth Alliance
City : Seattle
Phone : 206-633-0451
Mission : To build an ecologically sound, economically viable and socially equitable food system
Transportation Choices Coalition
City : Seattle
Phone : 206-329-2336
Mission : To bring Washingtonians more and better transportation choices — real opportunities to take a bus, catch a train, ride a bike, or walk.
Trout Unlimited, Washington Council
City : Statewide
Phone : (208) 315-3406
Mission : We work to keep coldwater fisheries and their watersheds safe from environmental threats for this and for future generations of anglers to enjoy.
Twin Harbors Waterkeeper
City : Cosmopolis
Phone : 360-389-2979
Mission : To prevent pollution, restore habitats that have been harmed, and to protect what remains.
Vancouver Audubon Society
City : Vancouver
Phone : 206-930-1032
Mission : Believes in the wisdom of nature’s design and promotes this through education, involvement, stewardship, enjoyment and advocacy
Vashon-Maury Island Audubon Society
City : Vashon
Phone :
Mission : To enjoy, learn about, and preserve the diverse natural habitats of these islands and beyond.
Washington Conservation Voters
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-374-0760
Mission : Work to elect environmentally responsible candidates to state and local offices.
Washington Environmental Council
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-631-2600
Mission : To protect, restore, and sustain Washington’s environment for all.
Washington Foundation for the Environment
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : Serves young people in the Pacific Northwest by providing opportunities to raise awareness and develop their voice and skills around environmental action.
Washington Native Plant Society
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-527-3210
Mission : To promote the appreciation and conservation of Washington's native plants and their habitats through study, education, and advocacy.
Washington Toxics Coalition
City : Statewide
Phone : (206) 632-1545
Mission : Advocates for the use of safer products, chemicals, and practices through advanced research, advocacy, grassroots organizing, and consumer engagement to ensure a healthier tomorrow.
Washington Water Trails Association
City : Statewide
Phone : 206-545-9161
Mission : Through advocacy, education, and stewardship, Washington Water Trails Association protects and promotes public access to Washington waterways, shorelines, and marine trails for human-powered watercraft. With our efforts, we want to inspire current and fut
Washington Water Trust
City : Statewide
Phone : 206.675.1585
Mission : To protect and restore healthy rivers and streams across Washington so that fish, farms and communities can thrive for generations.
Washington Wild
City : Statewide
Phone : 206.633.1992
Mission : To protect and restore wild lands and waters in Washington State through advocacy, education, and civic engagement.
Whatcom Land Trust
City : Bellingham
Phone : 360-650-9470
Mission : Preserves and protects wildlife habitat, scenic, agricultural and open space lands in Whatcom County for future generations by securing interests in land and promoting land stewardship.
Whidbey Audubon Society
City : Oak Harbor
Phone : 360-678-2264
Mission : To conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the Earth’s biological diversity.
Whidbey Camano Land Trust
City : Greenbank
Phone : (360) 222-3310
Mission : To actively involve the community in protecting, restoring, and appreciating the important natural habitats and resource lands that support the diversity of life on our islands and in the waters of Puget Sound.
Wild Fish Conservancy
City : Duvall
Phone : 425-788-1167
Mission : Wild Fish Conservancy is a nonprofit conservation organization headquartered in Washington State and dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring the northwest’s wild fish and the ecosystems they depend on, through science, education, and advocacy.
Wild Olympics
City : Quilcene
Phone : (360) 452-2345
Mission : Working to protect wild forest and river watersheds on the Olympic Peninsula. These watersheds provide local communities with clean water, world class outdoor recreation opportunities and sustain our outstanding Peninsula way of life.
Willapa Hills Audubon Society
City : Longview
Phone : 206-221-6893
Mission : To support ecologically responsible ways of life, to help maintain biologically diverse habitats, and to promote environmental understanding and enjoyment of nature.
Yakima Valley Audubon Society
City : Yakima
Phone :
Mission : Dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of the natural world.
Zero Waste Washington
City : Statewide
Phone : (206) 441-1790
Mission : Drive policy change for a healthy and waste-free world.
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