Environmental Groups in Alaska
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Alaska Alliance for Climate Education
City : Anchorage
Phone : (907) 677-9336
Mission : To empower Alaskans to understand and respond to the impacts of climate change on our economy, environment, and public health.
Alaska Center for Climate Solutions
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : To advance climate resilience and adaptation in Alaska through research, education, and collaboration.
Alaska Center for Energy and Power
City : Anchorage
Phone : (907) 474-7719
Mission : To develop, demonstrate, and promote energy technologies that are reliable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable.
Alaska Center for Sustainable Energy
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To foster the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies and sustainable energy practices in Alaska.
Alaska Center for the Environment
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : To protect and restore Alaska’s environment and the public’s right to a healthy and sustainable future.
Alaska Clean Water Advocacy
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 345-0648
Mission : To protect and restore Alaska's clean water and healthy ecosystems through community education and public policy advocacy.
Alaska Climate Action Network
City : Anchorage
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To build a broad-based coalition of Alaskans to address climate change and create a sustainable future for our state.
Alaska Climate Change Action Network
City : Anchorage
Phone : (907) 278-3710
Mission : To engage and empower Alaskans to take action to reduce their carbon emissions and promote climate resiliency.
Alaska Climate Change Response Fund
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To develop and implement strategic initiatives to reduce climate change impacts on Alaskan communities.
Alaska Community Action on Toxics
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-222-7714
Mission : Empowers communities to eliminate exposure to toxics through collaborative research, shared science, education, organizing, and advocacy.
Alaska Community Forest Council
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To promote the sustainable management and conservation of Alaska’s forests and to build community capacity for forest management and stewardship.
Alaska Conservation Foundation
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-276-1917
Mission : Protects Alaska’s natural environment and the diverse cultures and ways of life it sustains. We do this by promoting conservation philanthropy and by strategically directing resources to conservation leaders, organizations, and initiatives.
Alaska Conservation Voters
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To elect environmental champions and hold elected officials accountable for creating and protecting a healthy and sustainable Alaska.
Alaska Discovery Foundation Inc
City : Juneau
Phone : 907-463-1500
Mission : Through education and exploration we deepen southeast Alaskan's connection with nature.
Alaska Environmental Alliance
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To engage, empower, and inform Alaskans about the environment and to promote positive solutions for a healthy, sustainable future.
Alaska Grown
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To promote and support sustainable agriculture, fisheries, and forestry in Alaska.
Alaska Marine Conservaton Council
City : Homer
Phone : 907-299-6566
Mission : To protect and restore the marine environment through sustainable fishing practices, habitat protection, and local stewardship.
Alaska Native Arts Foundation
City : Anchorage
Phone : (907) 743-3370
Mission : To support, promote, and celebrate the living cultures of Alaska Native people through the arts.
Alaska Native Plant Society
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-333-8212
Mission : To promote the study and conservation of Alaska native plants.
Alaska Outdoor Alliance
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To protect and promote public access to Alaska's natural resources and public lands and waters, while advocating for responsible outdoor recreation and conservation practices
Alaska Soles Broadband
City : Palmer
Phone :
Mission : To build a strong Broadband in Alaska, focused on Education, Stewardship and Solution-Based Action. We want to explore the issues, discuss creative alternatives, find common ground wherever we can, determine where we can have the greatest impact and act.
Alaska Wild Salmon Fund
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To protect and restore wild salmon habitat, promote sustainable salmon fisheries, and support healthy communities in Alaska.
Alaska Wilderness League
City : Statewide
Phone : (202) 785-2325
Mission : To protect the spectacular landscapes of Alaska for the benefit of all its citizens and to promote the continued health of its wildlife and ecosystems.
Alaska Wilderness League Education Fund
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 563-9155
Mission : To provide education and advocacy on wilderness, public lands and waters, and other conservation issues.
Alaska Wildland Adventures
City : Statewide
Phone : (907) 224-8804
Mission : To provide authentic and safe wilderness experiences that promote an appreciation and understanding of Alaska’s natural environment.
Alaska Wildlife Alliance
City : Anchorage
Phone : 907-529-0155
Mission : We protect Alaska’s wildlife through citizen mobilization, advocacy, and education.
Alaskans For Litter Prevention And Recycling Inc
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-644-7968
Mission : Dedicated to eliminating litter and increasing economically-viable recycling in alaska through outreach, education, and recycling initiate programs.
Anchorage Audubon Society
City : Anchorage
Phone : 907-338-2473
Mission : Offers bird watching field trips, monthly meetings & natural history programs, newsletters, and special events to highlight birds, wildlife, and conservation issues.
Arctic Audubon Society
City : Fairbanks
Phone : 907-687-2173
Mission : We work to protect Alaskan ecosystems by encouraging research, education, and management that will contribute to appreciation and good stewardship of this natural heritage. We also strive to conduct our own lives in harmony with nature.
Audubon Alaska
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-276-7034
Mission : To conserve Alaska's spectacular natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations.
Cook Inletkeeper
City : Homer
Phone : 907-235-4068
Mission : Protecting Alaska's Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains
Copper River Delta Sound Waterkeeper/ Eyak Preservation Council
City : Cordova
Phone : 907-424-5890
Mission : To honor Eyak Heritage and to conserve wild salmon culture and habitat through education, awareness and the promotion of sustainable lifeways for all peoples.
Friends Of Creamers Field
City : Anchorage
Phone : 907-452-5162
Mission : Inspiring environmental stewardship and lifelong learning through experience, awareness and appreciation of the natural and historical resources of Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge.
Friends of the Campbell Creek Science Center
City : Anchorage
Phone : 907-267-1254
Mission : Providing bus transportation for public school students who then travel to the center and receive an educational experience outside of the classroom.
Great Land Trust
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-278-4998
Mission : Conserving and stewarding the lands and waters essential to the quality of life and economic health of Alaskans.
Green Star of Interior Alaska
City : Fairbanks
Phone : 907-452-4152
Mission : Encourage and enable our community to reduce waste and increase recycling.
Haines Friends of Recycling
City : Haines
Phone : 907-766-3000
Mission : Your 1-stop source for recycling info in Haines, Alaska!
Inland Ocean Coalition Alaska Chapter
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : To create an inland movement that builds land-to-sea stewardship.
Interior Alaska Land Trust
City : Fairbanks
Phone : 907-322-3462
Mission : To conserve land north of the Alaska Range for the benefit of the community. We do this by working with Interior Alaska landowners to protect, acquire or manage natural, scenic, recreational, agricultural, historic, or cultural aspects of property.
Juneau Audubon Society
City : Juneau
Phone :
Mission : To conserve the natural ecosystems of Southeast Alaska, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust
City : Homer
Phone : 907-235-5263
Mission : Conserving the natural heritage of the kenai peninsula for future generations.
Kenai Watershed Forum
City : Soldotna
Phone : 907-260-5449
Mission : To work together for healthy watersheds on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.
Kodiak Audubon Society
City : Kodiak
Phone : 907-486-2878
Mission : To conserve Kodiak's natural ecosystems focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations.
Litter Free Inc
City : Juneau
Phone : 907-790-4768
Mission : Creating a cleaner environment and encouraging recycling within the City
Lynn Canal Conservation
City : Haines
Phone : 907-766-2295
Mission : Committed to fostering responsible stewardship of the Chilkat Valley watersheds as well as the coastal areas of the upper Lynn Canal.
Northern Alaska Environmental Center
City : Fairbanks
Phone : 907-452-5021
Mission : Promotes conservation of the environment and sustainable resource stewardship in Interior and Arctic Alaska through education and advocacy.
Sierra Club Alaska Chapter
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-276-4088
Mission : Works to ensure a future as great as the land itself. We are working to shield the Last Frontier from the frontier mentality that has drilled and logged and developed away much of the open spaces in the Lower 48. We are striving for an Alaska based on re
Sitka Conservation Society
City : Sitka
Phone : 907-747-7509
Mission : Educating the public about conservation issues
Southeast Alaska Conservation Council
City : Juneau
Phone : 907-586-6942
Mission : Southeast Alaskans fiercely fighting to protect our home: the ancient and mighty Tongass National Forest and the crisp, vibrant waters of the Inside Passage.
Southeast Alaska Land Trust
City : Juneau
Phone : 907-586-3100
Mission : Collaborates with communities, individuals, and organizations throughout Southeast Alaska to help ensure that highly valued habitat, recreation, open space, and cultural and historic areas continue to thrive for the well-being of each generation.
The Alaska Center
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-274-3621
Mission : We engage, empower, and elect Alaskans to stand up for our clean air and water, healthy communities, and a strong democracy.
The Surfrider Foundation
City : Homer
Phone : 6199871649
Mission : The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. Here in Homer, we are just one of many chapters of this network that is working towards ocean conservation!
Trustees for Alaska
City : Statewide
Phone : 907-276-4244
Mission : Working to protect and sustain Alaska's most valuable assets -- its lands, waters, wildlife, and people. We provide legal counsel to diverse constituencies, free-of-charge, on the major environmental policy issues facing Alaska.
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