Environmental Groups in Oregon
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Southern Oregon Climate Action Now - Coastal Chapter
Mission: Southern Oregon Climate Action Now is a grassroots, volunteer, non-profit organization of area residents who care about climate change and have joined forces to take bold action against it. Through volunteer projects, we focus on reducing the impacts of Global Warming across Southern Oregon. Brookings
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1000 Friends of Oregon
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-497-1000
Mission : Working with Oregonians to enhance our quality of life by building livable urban and rural communities, protecting family farms and forests, and conserving natural areas.
350 Deschutes
City : Bend
Phone :
Mission : To address the greatest threat to human lives, 350Deschutes engages in Climate Advocacy, Climate Education, developing climate policy that serves all people, including a just transition for affected workers to transition to a clean low carbon economy, wit
350 Oregon Central Coast
City : South Beach
Phone :
Mission : To take action with other community organizations to all work together, for a healthy ecosystem of clean water, air, soil, food & ocean with biodiversity by using ecosystem best management principals first. Then, ecosystem principals into practices, poli
350 PDX
City : Portland
Phone : 503-281-1485
Mission : To build a diverse grassroots movement to address the causes of climate disruption through justice-based solutions by inspiring, training and mobilizing people to act.
350 Salem OR
City : Salem
Phone :
Mission : To build an inclusive grassroots movement focused on keeping fossil fuels in the ground, advocating for a just transition to a renewable energy economy, and supporting community-based resilience in response to the climate emergency.
Audubon Society of Corvallis
City : Corvallis
Phone : 541-752-0108
Mission : To educate the public about birds, other wildlife, and the importance of the habitat and provides the opportunity for people to enjoy nature. Also advocate public policy and personal behaviour that respects, conserves, and restore wildlife habitat.
Audubon Society of Lincoln City
City : Lincoln City
Phone : 541-992-9720
Mission : To encourage residents and visitors to protect and enjoy the native birds, other wildlife, and habitats found on the Central Oregon Coast.
Audubon Society of Portland
City : Portland
Phone : 503-292-6855
Mission : To inspire all people to love and protect birds, wildlife, and the natural environment upon which life depends.
City : Portland
Phone : 503-331-0374
Mission : To transform Mt. Hood National Forest into a place where natural processes prevail, where wildlife thrives and where local communities have a social, cultural, and economic investment in its restoration and preservation.
Beyond Toxics
City : Statewide
Phone : 541-465-8860
Mission : Advancing policies that ensure meaningful participation and cultivating grassroots leadership from Oregon’s frontline and impacted communities.
City : Eugene
Phone : 541-746-3023
Mission : Encourages builders, community members, artists and businesses to rethink what they use and what they throw away.
Cape Arago Audubon Society
City : North Bend
Phone : 541 297-2342
Mission : To promote appreciation and understanding of the birds and natural environment of Coos County through education, field trips, and local restoration and conservation projects that enhance our community.
Cascadia Action Now
City : Eugene
Phone :
Mission : Work to create impactful and intersectional environmental change through direct action on our campus and in our community.
Cascadia Forest Defenders
City : Eugene
Phone :
Mission : Committed to stopping the destruction of the Earth, particularly in the region know as Cascadia.
Cascadia Wildlands
City : Eugene
Phone : 541-434-1463
Mission : Defends and restores Cascadia’s wild ecosystems in the forests, in the courts, and in the streets.
Climate Solutions
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-206-4837
Mission : Accelerating clean energy solutions to the climate crisis.
Columbia Gorge Climate Action Network
City : Hood River
Phone : 541-490-8473
Mission : Educates, organizes and motivates Columbia Gorge activists to reduce and eliminate fossil fuel usage and climate change, at all levels from individual to global.
Columbia Network of the Oregon Sierra Club
City :
Phone : 503-238-0442
Mission : To explore, learn, enjoy, and protect our region’s land, air, and water.
Columbia Riverkeeper
City : Hood River
Phone : 541-387-3030
Mission : To protect, restore, & care for the Columbia River.
Community Cycling Center
City : Portland
Phone : 503-287-8786
Mission : To help build a vibrant community where people of all backgrounds use bicycles to stay healthy and connected.
Corvallis Environmental Center
City : Corvallis
Phone : 541-753-9211
Mission : To educate, engage, and inspire people to be involved in creating a healthy, sustainable community.
Deschutes Land Trust
City : Bend
Phone : 541-330-0017
Mission : To conserve and care for the lands and waters that sustain Central Oregon, so local communities and the natural world can flourish together for generations to come.
Douglas County Global Warming Coalition
City : Roseburg
Phone : 541-672-9819
Mission : A catalyst to promote a healthy climate for our communities & future generations. Find and share solutions through awareness, advocacy & collaboration.
Earth Focus Group
City : Brookings
Phone : 970-424-3404
Mission : To build capacity around environmental groups in the U.S. so we can educate more people about climate change and empower them to participate in solutions.
East Cascades Audubon Society
City : Bend
Phone : 541-241 2190
Mission : We gather local data and both sponsor and participate in projects that help protect local bird populations.
City : Portland
Phone : 503-227-2807
Mission : Inspiring people to take responsibility for Earth.
City : Portland
Phone : 503-227-6225
Mission : To inspire fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity, and environmental well-being. Our goal is to foster a natural model of development that creates more resilient communities, economies, and ecosystems here and around the world.
Families for Climate
City : Portland
Phone :
Mission : Families for Climate mobilizes parents, kids, and families to take action for climate justice and a livable planet. We build collective power, knowledge and hope as we unite towards a vibrant future for all.
Forest Park Conservancy
City : Portland
Phone : 503-223-5449
Mission : Mission: Maintains trails, restores native habitat, and inspires community appreciation and future stewardship for generations to come.
Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
City : Princeton
Phone : 541-493-2612 x. 4230
Mission : Committed to conserving, enhancing, and restoring fish and wildlife habitat and cultural history in the Harney Basin of southeast Oregon through the support of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge staff and programs.
Friends of the Columbia Gorge
City : Portland
Phone : 503-241-3762
Mission : Ensuring strict implementation of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act and other laws protecting the region of the Columbia River Gorge; promoting responsible stewardship of Gorge land, air, and waters; encouraging public ownership of sensiti
Friends of the Owyhee
City : Ontario
Phone :
Mission : Friends of the Owyhee exists to promote conservation advocacy, stewardship, and responsible recreation in the Owyhee region. We work collaboratively with conservation and recreation groups, landowners, ranchers, Indigenous Tribes and Nations, sportspeople, and government agencies to help ensure the Owyhee’s unique ecological, cultural, and recreational resources are protected for future generations to experience and enjoy.
Friends of the Oxbow Property Umatilla County Hermiston Oregon
City : Hermiston
Phone : 5413717315
Mission : "Promoting public awareness about our natural resources".
Friends of the Trees
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-282-8846
Mission : Inspires people to improve the natural world around them through a simple solution: Planting trees. Together.
Greater Hells Canyon Council
City : La Grande
Phone : 541-963-3950
Mission : To connect, protect, and restore the wild lands, waters, native species and habitats of the Greater Hells Canyon Region, ensuring a legacy of healthy ecosystems for future generations.
Greenbelt Land Trust
City : Corvallis
Phone : 541-752-9609
Mission : To protecting and preserving the Willamette Valley—this awe-inspiring place that we love here in western Oregon.
Human Access Project
City : Portland
Phone :
Mission : Transforming Portland’s Relationship with the Willamette River.
Institute for Applied Ecology
City : Corvallis
Phone : 541-753-3099
Mission : Conserving native species and habitats through restoration, research and education. Our vision is a world where all people and wildlands are healthy and interact positively, biological diversity flourishes, and environmental challenges are met with a soci
Juniper Group, Oregon Sierra Club
City : Bend
Phone : 541-385-6908
Mission : Dedicated to preserving Central and Eastern Oregon's environment, natural resources, and quality of life
Kalmiopsis Audubon Society
City : Port Orford
Phone : 541-332-0261
Mission : To protect the extraordinary and diverse natural habitats of our area, including old-growth forests, stunning coastlines, and wild rivers -- for birds, fish, wildlife, and the next generations.
Klamath Basin Audubon Society
City : Klamath Falls
Phone : 877-541-2473
Mission : Provide the opportunity for all to experience and appreciate our region’s wildlife, focusing on birds and other natural resources.
Klamath Lake Land Trust
City : Klamath Falls
Phone : 541-884-1053
Mission : Advocates for South Central Oregon’s forest, wetlands, deserts, and watersheds, through restoration, land acquisition, conservation easements, ecologically informed land management, and public education.
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
City : Ashland
Phone : 541-488-5789
Mission : To protect and restore wild nature in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of southwest Oregon and northwest California.
Lane County Audubon Society
City : Eugene
Phone : 541-485-2473
Mission : Dedicated to the conservation of and education about our natural environment, with a primary focus on birds and other wildlife and their habitats.
Many Rivers Group Sierra Club
City : Eugene
Phone :
Mission : To explore, learn, enjoy, and protect our region’s land, air, and water.
Marys Peak Group of the Oregon Sierra Club
City : Corvallis
Phone : 541-929-6272
Mission : To explore, learn, enjoy, and protect our region’s land, air, and water.
MCAT - Mobilizing Climate Action Together
City : N/A
Phone :
Mission : MCAT is a community of experienced volunteers, sponsored by OLCV, who help steward significant greenhouse gas reduction policy into law in Oregon. MCAT participates with the broad and inclusive climate and equity coalitions in Oregon and partners with OCN and others on coordinated action, particularly in regard to state legislation and policy. MCAT also actively organizes to elect and support legislators who will work for strong climate legislation.
McKenzie River Trust
City : Eugene
Phone : 541-345-2799
Mission : To enhance and reestablish the native vegetation, water cycles and other functional ecosystem elements appropriate to the places we protect. Connecting people to places they care about.
Native Plant Society of Oregon
City : Statewide
Phone :
Mission : Works tirelessly for plant and habitat conservation.
Nehalem Community Trust
City : Manzanita
Phone : 503-368-3203
Mission : To preserve land and nurture conservation values in partnership with an engaged community in the Nehalem region of the Oregon Coast.
North Coast Land Trust
City : Seaside
Phone : 503-738-9126
Mission : Helping to conserve Oregon’s coastal lands, forever.
Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides
City : Eugene
Phone : 541-344-5044
Mission : NCAP works to protect community and environmental health and inspire the use of ecologically sound solutions to reduce the use of pesticides.
Northwest Environmental Advocates
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-295-0490
Mission : Works through advocacy and education to use federal environmental laws, such as the Clean Water Act, to protect and restore water quality and habitat in the Northwest and nationwide.
Northwest Environmental Defense Center
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-768-6673
Mission : To preserve and protect the natural environment of the Pacific Northwest.
Ocean Conservancy
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-505-6577
Mission : Working with you to protect our ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it.
Opal Creek Ancient Forest Center
City : Portland
Phone : 503-892-2782
Mission : To provide transformative wilderness experiences that grow a community of environmental advocates.
Oregon Chapter Sierra Club
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-238-0442
Mission : Protecting Oregon’s wild forests and high deserts, and all public lands, including the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, currently threatened to be downsized.
Oregon Coast Alliance
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-391-0210
Mission : To protect the Oregon coast by working with coastal residents for sustainable communities; protection and restoration of coastal and marine natural resources; providing education and advocacy on land use development; and adaptation to climate change.
Oregon Desert Land Trust
City : Portland
Phone : 971-350-9458
Mission : Works to conserve private lands in the state’s high desert region.
Oregon Environmental Council
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-222-1963
Mission : Bring Oregonians together to protect our water, air and land with healthy solutions that work for today and for future generations.
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-224-4011
Mission : To pass laws that protect Oregon’s environmental legacy, elect pro-environment candidates to office, and hold all of our elected officials accountable.
Oregon Natural Desert Association
City : Bend
Phone : 541-330-2638
Mission : Encourages people to get to know the desert and to take steps to conserve these public lands.
Oregon Parks Forever
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-966-1283
Mission : Raising funds to enhance & preserve special places and experiences in Oregon’s Parks.
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-274-2720
Mission : Works to protect human life from the gravest threats to health and survival by striving to protect our climate, end the nuclear threat, promote peace, and advance justice.
Oregon Wild
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-283-6343
Mission : Works to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy for future generations.
Recycling Advocates
City : Portland
Phone : 503-777-0909
Mission : Dedicated to creating a sustainable future through local efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Renew Oregon
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-548-2541
Mission : We believe in a clean energy future for the state we love: An Oregon with good-paying jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities. A prosperous Oregon protected for future generations. We’re working to transition away from dirty, polluting energy t
Rogue Climate
City : Phoenix
Phone : 541-301-9204
Mission : To empower Southern Oregon communities most impacted by climate change, including low-income, rural, youth, seniors, and communities of color, to win climate justice by organizing for clean energy, sustainable jobs, and a healthy environment.
Rogue Riverkeeper
City : Ashland
Phone : 541-488-9831
Mission : Works to protect and restore clean water and native fish in the waters of the Rogue.
Rogue Valley Audubon Society
City : Medford
Phone : 541-601-3683
Mission : To support the conservation and restoration of ecosystems so that birds and other wildlife may flourish and contribute to our planet’s biodiversity.
Salem Audubon Society
City : Salem
Phone : 503-588-7340
Mission : To connect people to Nature, through education focused on birds, other wildlife and their habitats, and conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems.
Siskiyou Audubon Society
City : Grants Pass
Phone : 541-955-2934
Mission : To promote the welfare of birds and other wildlife through habitat enhancement and education. Our primary focus is on our local community, our local schools, and issues of the Pacific Northwest.
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-844-9571
Mission : To bring Oregonians together to improve our environment and build a legacy of stewardship.
Southern Oregon Land Conservancy
City : Ashland
Phone : 541-482-3069
Mission : To protect and enhance precious land in the Rogue River region to benefit our human and natural communities.
The Climate Reality Project: Portland, OR Chapter
City : Portland
Phone :
Mission : To catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.
The Environmental Center
City : Bend
Phone : 541-385-6908
Mission : Advances a healthy, vibrant place to live, work and play – for all of us today and for future generations to inherit.
The Freshwater Trust
City : Portland
Phone : 503-222-9091
Mission : To preserve and restore freshwater ecosystems.
The Nature Conservancy in Oregon
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-802-8100
Mission : To conserve the lands and waters upon which all life depends, and for nearly 60 years, we've been working in Oregon to do just that. We're bringing people together to solve the biggest conservation challenges of our time by transforming policy, inspiring
The Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides
City : Statewide
Phone : 541-344-5044
Mission : To protect community and environmental health and inspire the use of ecologically sound solutions to reduce the use of pesticides.
The Surfrider Foundation - Oregon Chapters
City : Newport
Phone :
Mission : The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's ocean, waves, and beaches for all people through a powerful activist network.
The Wetlands Conservancy
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-227-0778
Mission : To partner with communities across our state in conserving, enhancing and restoring the physical and ecological values of Oregon’s greatest wetlands for current and future generations.
Tualatin Riverkeepers
City : Tualatin
Phone : 503-218-2580
Mission : Protects and restores the Tualatin River watershed. We build watershed stewardship through engagement, advocacy, restoration, access, and education
Umpqua Valley Audubon Society
City : Roseburg
Phone : 541-673-0872
Mission : Welcomes birders and nature enthusiasts to occasional field trips, programs, birding classes and other activities that encourage enjoyment, appreciation and protection of the beautiful valleys of the Umpqua.
Water Watch
City : Statewide
Phone : 503-295-4039
Mission : To protect and restore flows in our rivers to sustain the native fish, wildlife, and the people who depend on healthy rivers.
Wild Rivers Land Trust
City : Port Orford
Phone : 541-366-2130
Mission : To conserve the natural treasures and working lands on Oregon’s Wild Rivers Coast in perpetuity.
Willamette Riverkeeper
City : Portland
Phone : 503-223-6418
Mission : Dedicated to the protection and restoration of Oregon’s great Willamette River.
Worthy Garden Club
City : Bend
Phone : 5416394776 x 221
Mission : To connect people to the natural world and cultivate a community of environmental stewards working together to build a greener and healthier planet.
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